Careers Curriculum

Interest Level:
Gr. 5–12
Additional Components:
Reproducible Student Workbooks
The books in this series are designed to meet new career education mandates that began with career exploration and discovery in elementary and middle school, and progress through planning and pathways in high school and beyond. The student-friendly,graphic format speaks to students of all ages. Job Tracks: 60* Great Careers has received the ForeWord Reviews' Book of the Year Silver Award and 2013 Benjamin Franklin Awards Silver Finalist. Learn more about “what's out there” in...

The books in this series are designed to meet new career education mandates that began with career exploration and discovery in elementary and middle school, and progress through planning
and pathways in high school and beyond. The student-friendly,graphic format speaks to students of all ages.

Job Tracks: 60* Great Careers has received the ForeWord Reviews' Job Tracks: 60 Great CareersBook of the Year Silver Award and 2013 Benjamin Franklin Awards Silver Finalist. Learn more about “what's out there” in terms of real careers! What are you interested in? Where is your passion? Where do you see yourself after high school? What career do you think you'd like to pursue? What will it take to get into a field that fascinates you? There are exciting, in-demand careers out there right now that you may not even know about!

Job Tracks: 60* Great Careers...and How to Get From Where You Where you Want to Go! details sixty real career tracks available across the nation. These are careers that students need to know about, jobs for today and advice for tomorrow with timely information about a variety of exciting ways to “make a difference in the world, or at least a decent living!

“Entertaining and charming to read!”

Would You Hire this Person?

What does it take to get hired? Learn what you need to know about getting a job beforeWould You Hire This Person you dive into the workforce. Whether you are getting ready to attend college, or plan to get to work right after school, you'll need to know about:

  • pursuing a career path
  • what employers are looking for
  • what employers are not looking for
  • the interview process
  • work ethic and other soft skills
  • what you need to do to be considered for the position you want.

Don't get caught off guard! Go into the hiring process with confidence. Avoid the pitfalls that keep people out of the jobs of their dreams for years. Author Carole Marsh is an expert as both an employer and entrepreneur. Her straightforward, no-nonsense approach brings in insights from her own experiences and those of her colleagues in order to help teens achieve career success.

“Such realistic scenarios - I got nervous reading them! I wanted the person to get the job, but, gee...I can see why some would not!”


Essential Skills for the Real World of Work: Things EVERY Student Must Know! has all Essential Skills for the Real Worldthe information kids will need to survive in the workplace, wherever that may be! Essential Skills for the Real World of Work: Things EVERY Student Must Know!
Are you ready to get a “real” job? What kinds of skills are employers looking for when they hire someone? Why do some employees get promoted? What will be expected from you in the workplace? Think you don't need to know these things in high school? Think again! These are the essentials today's kids will use in the real world, whether at an after-school job or as a high-flying professional.

“Highly encouraging and enlightening!”

The Parent and Teacher Guide

What should parents and teachers know about what it will take for this generation to land aThe Parent and Teacher Guide perfect career? Carole Marsh, an employer and educator, has all the tips and tricks to help parents and teachers sleep at night.

Be ready with answers and support! Help your student prepare for:

  • The end of high school
  • College
  • Getting a first job
  • Selecting the right career path
  • The reality of today's job market

In The Parent and Teacher's Guide: Helping Students Navigate the Bumpy Road from School to More School, First Job, and Career, entrepreneur and educator Carole Marsh takes on an entirely new, forward-thinking approach to education: one based on current needs and the future job market.

The Parent and Teacher's Guide: Helping Students Navigate the Bumpy Road from School to More School, First Job, and Career is the perfect guide and an essential resource for the conscientious parent or teacher. It is part of the highly-anticipated Careers Curriculum series, a line of educational materials designed to prepare students for the “real world” of work, starting in high school.

“Marsh has a keen sense of devotion to every type of student truly finding a path to success. This book is worth the price for the compassion and humor, explanation of Rigor vs. Rigor Mortis, and 'Why Study These Subjects'section. She's clearly “been there, done that”, and achieved great success despite many obstacles!

WORK WORDS: Job/Business/Career Words and Terms You Need to Know!

When a boss asks you to check the invoices, don't go listen to the office voicemail. Even the best Work Wordsstudent can get tripped up by business vocabulary when starting a first job. Don't stumble on your words - get ahead and be ready with a new “working” vocabulary! WORK WORDS: Job/Business/Career Words and Terms You Need to Know! introduces students to the fast-paced jargon of the working world, all defined and described in easy-to-understand English.

Be prepared with the vocabulary you need in the business words. Add words to your vocabulary from all parts of the business world:

  • Accounting
  • Insurance
  • Legal
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • And more!

Brush up on your WORK WORDS: Job/Business/Career Words and Terms You Need to Know! and avoid an embarrassing mix up on the job! Set yourself ahead; catch up on all the real-world vocabulary you'll need when you start working.

“Why be embarrassed when you can be empowered by knowing 'job speak' BEFORE you even get the job?”

Business Ethics and Etiquette for Students-You MUST Know These!

There will be a code of etiquette that applies in the workplace, regardless of where you go to

Business Ethics and Ediquette

work. There are also ethical principles that you need to know about before working with any business. Being well versed in workplace professionalism will set you apart from the crowd when you start your first job. You don't have to head into a new job, now or in the future, without knowledge of business ethics and etiquette. Now, you can be prepared. Business Ethics and Etiquette for Students-You MUST Know These! teaches kids what employers look for in their employees, as well as what your coworkers will expect from you, all from author and entrepreneur Carole Marsh as she shares everything she has learned about professional success in her years as a business leader.

“Fascinating and quite a lot of material covered. Anyone can benefit from this double-whammy of info book!”

Item #
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Job Tracks: 60 Great Careers
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Would You Hire This Person
Requested quantity is not available at this time
Essential Skills for the Real World
Requested quantity is not available at this time
The Parent and Teacher Guide
Requested quantity is not available at this time
Work Words
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Business Ethics and Etiquette
Requested quantity is not available at this time
Career Curriculum (Set of 6 Books)
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