Leveled Text Dependent Question Stems: Language Arts

Interest Level:
Gr. K–12
Additional Components:
Reproducible Student Lessons and Activities
Create effective text-dependent questions to increase students' understanding of text through in-depth examinations. This teacher resource enables students to study broad concepts, such as text structure and point of view, as well as analyze the overarching themes, concepts, arguments, and claims presented in texts. Written at a variety of grade level ranges, these text-dependent question stems allow teachers to differentiate content so all students can access and understand the...

Create effective text-dependent questions to increase students' understanding of text through in-depth examinations.

This teacher resource enables students to study broad concepts, such as text structure and point of view, as well as analyze the overarching themes, concepts, arguments, and claims presented in texts. Written at a variety of grade level ranges, these text-dependent question stems allow teachers to differentiate content so all students can access and understand the concepts explored. Question stems can also be used to correlate to the Common Core and other state standards.

  • Supports learning by focusing on essential skills in language arts
  • Allows students to analyze details within the text including word choice and sentence structure, as well as broader concepts such as text structure, point of view, and author's purpose
  • Features leveled question stems at four different grade bands to meet students' individual instructional needs
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Leveled Text Dependent Question Stems: Language Arts