LRS-5 Light's Retention Scale 5th Edition

Interest Level:
Grades K–12
Additional Components:
Tests, Parent Guides, Administrator's Guide and Forms

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An objective standard that takes the guesswork out of difficult grade retention decisions Grade Retention Individual Administration Grades K through 12 Criterion Referenced This new edition of Light's Retention Scale updates a classic tool designed by a school psychologist with more than 30 years in practice. This 5th edition is based on more than 300 research studies on the factors influencing academic achievement and success, and on the impact and effectiveness of school grade...
An objective standard that takes the guesswork out of difficult grade retention decisions
  • Grade Retention
  • Individual Administration
  • Grades K through 12
  • Criterion Referenced

This new edition of Light's Retention Scale updates a classic tool designed by a school psychologist with more than 30 years in practice. This 5th edition is based on more than 300 research studies on the factors influencing academic achievement and success, and on the impact and effectiveness of school grade retention. These studies are discussed in the Manual, along with a review of the influence of federal and state education legislation on the factors relating to academic progress and retention.
An analysis of the relevant research studies led to formulation of 19 categories representing factors to consider in making the retention decision. They include intellectual skills, number of schools attended, age, English-language status, participation of parents in school-related activities, preschool experience, student's motivation, attendance, emotional disorders, and conduct patterns.
The research-based LRS-5 is appropriate to use within Response to Intervention (RTI) approaches.
Improvements in the 5th edition include:

  • Addition of a new category (Ability to Focus and Concentrate)
  • Renaming of some categories to reflect current theory and research
  • Updated scoring criteria
  • New interpretation guidelines
  • Redesigned, easy-to-use Record Form
  • Inclusion of The Principal's Guide to Grade Retention and Promotion in the test kit

Administration and Scoring
The LRS-5 scale is designed to be completed during a parent-teacher conference. The Record Form outlines each of the 19 factors with objective, easy-to-score items. The scale takes 10 15 minutes to complete, and the total score provides guidance about whether grade retention might be helpful or harmful to the student.

The LRS-5 Parent Guide explains the basis for making the retention/no-retention decision. It provides a concise statement of the factors considered and provides parents with assurance that the retention recommendation is based on thoughtful professional findings. This guide is also available in Spanish but must be ordered separately.

Some of the topics discussed in The Principal's Guide to Grade Retention and Promotion (included in the test kit) are:

  • Preventing the Need to Retain
  • Alternatives to Retention
  • Identifying At-Risk Students (Screening Checklist)
  • Evaluating student success in the retention year (Best Practices Checklist)

About the author:
H. Wayne Light, PhD, had more than 30 years of experience as a psychologist in private practice and as a school psychologist. He co-authored Beyond Retention, a companion book to the LRS, among other publications. He has received numerous awards, including being named Outstanding School Psychologist in California, Region II, by the California Association of School Psychologists. Dr. Light was a member of the International Honor Society in Psychology (Psi Chi), and was employed as a school psychologist for the Turlock Unified School District in Central California.

Test Kit includes: Manual, 25 English Record Forms, 25 English Parent Guides, The Principal's Guide to Grade Retention and Promotion, all in portfolio.

School Administrator's Kit includes: 25 Retention Worksheets, 25 Parent Consent Forms, 25 Appeal Forms

User Qualifications:

To administer this test at least a master' s degree is required, with state licensure OR certification from a professional organization (ASHA, AOTA, APA, AERA, ACA, AMA, NASP, NAN, INS) that requires formal training and experience in ethics, psychometrics, statistics, and scoring and interpretation. Tests of perceptual, academic, and functional processes used in schools, clinics and rehabilitation settings are of this level. All test users, regardless of level and profession, are expected to abide by the standards set forth by the APA, AERA and NCME regarding the ethical use, protection and dissemination of all test materials. All orders for the products listed below, must be placed on official institutional purchase order forms or professional letterhead.

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LRS-5 Complete Test Kit
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LRS-5 English Parent Guides (25)
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LRS-5 Manual
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LRS-5 Principal's Guide to Grade Retention and Promotion
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LRS-5 English Record Forms (25)
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LRS-5 School Admistrator's Kit
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LRS-5 Spanish Parent's Guides (25)
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